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Group photo: Sunday walking discussion in Yellowstone National Park
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It is our pleasure to inform you that the twelfth workshop on NEUtron WAVElength-dependent imaging (NEUWAVE-12) will take place in Lund between Sunday, September 1, and Wednesday, September 4, 2024.
We have now opened the abstract submission page: https://indico.ess.eu/event/3439/abstracts/ -- see below for a link to the main page of the workshop.
As a NEUWAVE tradition, only a limited number of oral presentations will be accepted, to allow ample discussion time for each topic. Participants from the same institute are recommended to give joint talks if on the same or similar subjects. Alternatively, a poster session is considered to provide an opportunity to discuss projects more closely.
The workshop will start with the traditional walking discussion on Sunday and will continue for the following three days. The last day will include a tour of the ESS site and facilities.
We look forward to welcoming you to Lund.
NEUWAVE-12 Local Organizing Committee
Carina Lobley
Beate Linnenberg
Manuel Morgano
Søren Schmidt
Stefanos Athanasopoulos
Thawatchart Chulapakorn
Robin Woracek
Contact e-mail: neuwave12@ess.eu
Web site: https://indico.ess.eu/event/3439/
January 31, 2024 Dear Colleagues and Researchers, I trust this message finds you well. We appreciate the overwhelming response to the Call for Abstracts for the 12th World Conference on Neutron Radiography (WCNR-12), hosted by the Idaho National Laboratory. In light of some requests and to accommodate potential contributors, we have decided to extend the deadline for abstract submissions. The new deadline is February 15, 2024. Updated Important Dates:
This extension aims to provide ample time for those who wish to contribute but may require additional time for preparation. To submit your abstract and for further information, please visit the WCNR-12 website. We look forward to receiving your valuable contributions and making WCNR-12 an even more enriching experience. For any inquiries, please contact us at WCNR12@inl.gov or visit our website. Best regards, Best regards, Aaron Craft, INL Hassina Bilheux, ORNL |
Dear friends of the NEUWAVE workshop,
As the year is coming to an end, and following the tremendous success of NEUWAVE-11 in Tokyo, we are excited to announce the upcoming NEUWAVE-12 workshop to be held in 2024.
Location: | Lund, Sweden |
Organizer: | European Spallation Source |
Dates: | Commencing on Sunday, September 1, 2024, with the traditional walking discussion, and concluding on Wednesday, September 4, 2024 |
Calendar Note: | Kindly reserve the entire week until September 6, 2024, as additional events may occur following the main workshop |
Feel free to forward this information to anyone in your organization – and outside!- that might be interested in joining. More information will come in due time, we hope to see you soon in Lund for an exciting workshop and, meanwhile, we wish you all a very happy holiday season!
On behalf of the NEUWAVE-12 Local Organizing Committee
Manuel Morgano
Robin Woracek
Contact e-mail: neuwave12@ess.eu
Dear friends and colleagues,
we inform that we are organizing an informal workshop dedicated to the use of neutron techniques applied to the characterization of metal samples produced using additive manufacturing methods.
Our teams at CNR-IFAC and INFN-LNGS are involved in the development of a national project (called NAMOR) dedicated to the use of neutron imaging (both neutron tomography and Bragg Edge Neutron Transmission) and neutron diffraction for the analysis of morphological and microstructural characteristics of metal AM samples, produced according to different manufacturing strategies and materials.
Since we observed a general interest in the topic, we decided to organize a 3 day workshop in the days 21-23 May 2024 at the INFN - Laboratori Nazionali Gran Sasso site (fairly close to Roma, Abruzzo, Italy) in order to gather together all people interested and active in such a topic and discuss about current research, results, method development and future plans.
Details of the program and participation + abstract submission modules can be found at the dedicated webpage: https://namor.sites.lngs.infn.it/
linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/events/namor-24workshop7157801866926403588/
registration link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSd_DwCFMasuPQkSIyWY7IeAviLUYBheyGCnuBBflaPibuvtCQ/viewform
We kindly ask you to spread around the link to colleagues who might be interested in participating.
There is no participation fee and, due to the informal approach we intend to pursue and the goal to start a mutual collaboration network, we decided to not foresee the possibility for remote connection participation (we evaluated that hybrid form doesn't work to ease mutual communication).
If you have any question or curiosity you can contact us at f.grazzi@ifac.cnr.it donato.orlandi@lngs.infn.it daniele.cortis@lngs.infn.it
Thank you and hope to see you soon,
Francesco, Donato and Daniele
The 12th World Conference on Neutron Radiography (WCNR-12) is hosted by the Idaho National Laboratory at Hilton Garden Inn, Idaho Falls, ID, USA, on June 2, 2024 – June 7, 2024. The Call for Abstracts is opened. For more information visit the WCNR-12 website.
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Updated webpage
We are still working on implementing some missing topics (e. g. work of the Task Groups of ISNR) as well as on the general design.
In case you identify errors in the implemented contents, please inform on this by e-mail to secretary@isnr.de.